We have a message…

We have a message…

Jeremiah 20:10-13, Psalm 68(69):8-10,14,17,33-35, Romans 5:12-15, Matthew 10:26-33

We have a message to proclaim as Christians and we must do it with all our hearts no matter the things that come our way as stumbling blocks

We have a message to proclaim as Christians and we must do it with all our hearts no matter the things that come our way as stumbling blocks, we must stay focused and present the message as it has been handed over to us. Jeremiah was being persecuted for delivering the message of God and this is because most of the people were not happy with the message Jeremiah was propagating. Beloved in Christ our core mandate as Christians is to win souls for Christ, and this can only be done by first accepting the message ourselves and be ready no matter the opposition to deliver it so that man will be saved. 

The world will not be happy with us so they will do everything possible to thwart our resolve to share the good news to them. This is because it is not everybody who would like to hear the message and it is not everybody who would like to change his or her ways. We all have been called and we must be ready to disciple others so that together many shall be won for Christ because man is sinful. 

Humans by nature are sinful therefore we must be saved from it because “the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). We have the duty therefore as Christians to present the Light to the world so that all will be saved from eternal damnation. This duty is not going to be easy at all and we must be ready and prepared because we will be persecuted.

As we go out to proclaim the Christ to the world, some people may not see our relevance or importance because they see the message we carry as a threat and will do everything to stop it. Attacks and terror will come from all directions and infact some of our friends will sit back and watch to see our fall. People will be watching to see us make mistakes and use it against us. Why will they do this? Because we have decided to be on the side of God which is the truth. In all this we may think we are alone, but one thing is sure beloved in Christ we are certainly not alone. The Lord of Host is on our side and our opponents will stumble, those who seek our downfall and disgrace will be disappointed because we serve a living God. Deuteronomy 32:35 says, Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time when their foot shall slip; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly.” In all this God wants us to leave everything to him lets just present our case to God and allow him to have his way. “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4).

Dear people of God being a disciple of the Lord is not easy if it were so everybody would have been a Christian. The task is not and will never be an easy one. The persecutions may come in different forms, it may come from our homes, friends, people we love so much, our families, and even from the church, but we should not throw in the towel but rely on the power of God to take us through it. Our God will always deliver the soul of the needy from the hands of evil men, so let us all be encouraged it may be that we have been waiting for the hand of God to heal us, deliver us from a personal problem, maybe it is about a lifestyle that you are not proud of, whatever it is that can be seen as our share in our struggles as disciples of Christ, let us still hope in the Lord and he will make all things beautiful.

We have all been sent out and the message of Jesus to us is “do not be afraid”, everything that is now covered will be uncovered and everything now hidden will be made clear”. The difficulties we go through in doing the work of God is enormous, but he assures us that we should not be afraid. We are admonished in 2 Timothy 1:7-8 “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. Therefore, do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God,”. 

God will make our way clear; he will open our eyes to see things that are hidden, things shrouded in secrecy and all our fears will be gone. He will reveal to us wonderful things that will beat our imagination, things that we have been yearning to see for a long time. This will help allay our fears. Let us not be afraid and move out there and talk to people about Jesus, our experience with him since we became Christians because we have been sent to proclaim the message to the world. He has also assured us of his protection, guidance and how we are important to him. We are worth more than hundreds of sparrows so Almighty God will take care of us, and we must present the unadulterated gospel to the world. AMEN