Trust and Obey

Trust and Obey

The story of Abraham obeying the command of God to offer Isaac as a burnt offering to God is popular to most of us, especially for those who heard it the first time in Sunday School or during catechism. It is essential to go back to remind ourselves of how challenging it was for Abraham and Sarah to give birth. Sarah, at a point in time, gave her servant Hagar to Abraham so that she could give Abraham a child. Abraham and Sarah did all they could to get a child, but God had other plans. 

The LORD clarified that He would give Abraham and Sarah a child and that Abraham’s descendants would be so many that they could not be counted. In the long run, God gave Abraham and Sarah a son named Isaac (Hebrew Yizthak, which means (he) will laugh). In Sunday School, this story was very much OK for us. Still, now we reread this story, it becomes bothersome and challenging to understand why God would ask Abraham to offer Isaac, Abraham’s beloved and only Son, to him as a burnt offering. 

If indeed he is a loving God, why does he want a sacrifice in the likeness of the one done by the pagans? Further pondering and meditation will reveal that His request for the sacrifice of Isaac does not mean He is unloving; instead, it depicts a vital lesson to all of us about the faith of Abraham and God’s desire and willingness to provide. The Hebrew meaning of Moriah  (where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac) is Jehovah will Provide. We will all recall that Abraham had doubted God in the past, and therefore, God wanted to test him to see if he had faith in Him. We all sometimes try to do things our way without seeking the face of God, thinking that we can do it with our strength. We must know that we have no power of our own, and in all that we do, we must depend on God.

God wanted to make it clear to Abraham that the world can only be saved through the death of someone, and that person is the beloved Son of God Himself, Jesus Christ. Isaac’s preparation for the sacrifice can be likened to how Jesus was crucified. Isaac was Abraham’s only Son, and Abraham loved him. According to the scriptures, Isaac was bound and laid on the wood. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God; He was bound and laid on the wood. At this point, God replaced Isaac with a ram provided by God, but Jesus was nailed on the wood and crucified for the salvation of humanity. Jesus has been sacrificed for us, and what we must do now is stated in Romans 12:1, 

” I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” 

We have been called, dear people, to God to offer ourselves as living sacrifices that are Holy and acceptable to God. 

Abraham was willing to offer his Son to God because of his faith in God, and he was rewarded by God so that his blessings overflowed even unto his generation yet unborn. When we put all our faith in God, we will be tested, and we will experience storms, some of which will be very difficult for us, but if we remain steadfast in faith, we will see the glory of God in our lives and the generations to come.

 “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. “Therefore, most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

The Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ shows us who Jesus Christ is through the affirmation by God himself that ‘this is my beloved Son, Listen to Him’. Moses had several mountaintop experiences that made him reflect the light of God, so he had to cover his face whenever he came down. The light during the transfiguration came out of Jesus Himself, which shows that he is the light. Abraham acknowledged God, had faith in him and was obedient to him till the end. Jesus has come to us; he is our light and God’s beloved Son. God’s command to us is simple ‘this is my beloved Son, listen to Him.”

When we listen to Jesus, we will have him on our side, and he will provide for us as God provided for Abraham. If God is on our side, no one can condemn us because he has justified us through his Son, Jesus Christ. We must not be doubtful because he will never leave us. No matter the difficulty we face, let us be assured by Psalm 30:1: 

“For his anger is but for a moment, and his favour is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning”. 

Let us not please man because man has no authority to judge us; only God does, and only God can provide. Our faith in him and obedience to his words must be crucial, and we will never be disappointed because He will provide a ram for a burnt offering but gave Jesus for man’s salvation.


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