Salt of the Earth

Salt of the Earth

“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.” (Matthew 5:13)

What does it mean to be referred to as the salt of the Earth? Why is Jesus Christ telling us that we are the salt of the earth? Today our mobile phones have become the most important thing we always carry around. Salt is a very important mineral that is found in every home especially in our kitchens, and apart from getting tasty meals out of it, we also use it as preservatives, preventing the thriving of bacteria, as human beings we will need a small amount in our bodies to help with our nerves and maintain the balance we need for water and minerals. If we are the salt of the earth, then it means we have a role to play in keeping our world in the proper balance and help prevent the thriving of bacteria. Therefore, if we lose our saltiness, we become worthless and will be trampled upon. 

I am the salt of the earth, you are the salt of the earth, we are the salt of the earth the church is the salt of the earth, so we must not do anything that will make us lose our saltiness, rather we must do everything to maintain it. We must be relevant to the world for all to see, “you are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” (Matthew 5:14). We must not allow ourselves to be hidden wherever we are, Christ must be seen and felt.

“Share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house;” (Isaiah 58:7a)

This is how difficult it is to be called a Christian, doing things that show real love and affection for your fellow. We must be ready to share with one another and help others find solutions to their problems and every uncomfortable situation they find themselves. We must show empathy and be willing to see the other persons predicament as our own and find a way to help.

“Give clothes to those who have nothing to wear, and do not refuse to help your own relatives.” (Isaiah 58:7b)

To be the salt and light of the world we must be ready to help clothe each other. We may be naked at some times, and we must find ways to clothe ourselves, we must help one another without trumpeting it. Let us support each other because we are not always strong, when you see your brother or sister in a bad situation try and help and never rejoice over another person’s predicament. Clothing the naked is all about being there for one another.

When we learn to support and take care of one another whatever wound we have will be healed, then our light will shine like the dawn. Your integrity will go before you and the glory of the Lord behind you.

As salts of the earth, we must be firm and always stand by the truth and the word of God not adding or subtracting anything. Our arguments and oratory belong to philosophy, and always pursue things about Jesus Christ and him crucified. Our faith must be rooted in the power of the Most High and not arguments and philosophy. We must always know that we have no power of our own except that granted us by the Holy Spirit. 

We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, the world must look to us and see the power of God at work in all that we do, we must seek the good of all so that when our good works are seen the praise will be given to God. AMEN 

Fr. Josiah Myles Abadoo

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