Put Jesus First

Put Jesus First

“Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” (John 12:24).

Jesus makes it clear to them that he has a purpose on this earth and that his mission is to become an atonement for sin and to bring forth life through his death. The most important thing for him is to make sure he accomplishes his purpose on earth so that the price for Adam’s fallen state can be paid. 

In our first reading, the prophet is proclaiming the oracles of God to the people of Israel. It is worth noting that these were not the prophet Jeremiah’s words but God’s. The new covenant is the New Testament, where Jesus will die, and humanity will have salvation through his death. The old covenant represented the law of Moses, which the people failed to keep, and the new covenant was Jesus Christ. 

God told the people his plans to put His law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts. Accepting the law of the LORD means that Jesus Christ and his death on the cross will be accepted, and the people will receive remission of sin through that, and man’s sins will not be remembered anymore. Therefore, Our acceptance of the salvific message will guarantee us forgiveness from God.

The life of Jesus Christ on this earth was full of prayer, and he presented his supplications to God with crying and tears; he submitted his prayers in humility to no other person than the one who had the power to save him from death, that is the one who can raise him from the dead. He was obedient even in suffering and, through that, became perfect. So, by obeying him, he becomes the source of our eternal salvation.

We are all called to learn from our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, by knowing the importance of constant prayers, humility supplications, obedience to his commands, acknowledging God’s sovereignty and authority over death and relying on Him in both challenging and good times.

Our salvation can only come through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Only through his crucifixion could the price for Adam’s fallen race be paid. His glorification can only be realized after his death and resurrection, but God glorified him even before his death and resurrection. When we die to sin and self, pray fervently, and obey the commands of God, we will be counted worthy even before our time. If we love our lives, we are not ready to die to sin. Therefore, we will lose the very life we love, and we cannot be saved. The one who loves his life puts himself before all else, but Jesus tells us that we must put him first, and we will not have to worry about our lives; he will take care of the rest. We cannot save ourselves because salvation comes through the cross. By putting ourselves first, we lose everything, but when we put Christ first, we get everything. Jesus told his disciples that he would draw all men to himself when lifted, portraying that all would be saved after his death. Our death to self will move us into bearing more fruits and bringing more people to Christ. Putting Christ first means eternal life will be ours, and it will not be taken away from us because Jesus Christ has given it to us freely through the cross. 

We may sometimes think we can have a fulfilled life by putting ourselves first, but Jesus tells us this morning that there is no life without him and that we can only experience fulfilment when we put him first in everything. Every act of selfishness must be put away so that Jesus can be first. He who loves self more than Christ shall not see fulfilment. Anyone who wants a fulfilled life must first follow Christ, and we will be honoured by the Father.

Our focus must always be on the things of God and God’s purpose for our lives. Jesus never moved away from his purpose, even though he was troubled at certain times. This is an encouragement to all of us that we will go through challenges, good times and bad times and just as we enjoy the good times, let us be happy in the Lord in bad times, and the name of God will be glorified.  AMEN