God is Our Helper

God is Our Helper

The nature of God can be described or seen in different ways. We all know that God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnibenevolent, Holy, Love etc. Indeed, we can go on and on in our attempt to express the nature of God. It is also important to note that we all see God differently depending on our relationship, experience or journey with him. In our constant devotional reading and study of the word of God, we see his nature and character revealed in it. An essential characteristic of God is that he is always ready and can help us through our walk with him. God is our helper, and therefore we should not allow anything to be a stumbling block between us and our helper. 

“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”  (Romans 8:26).

We are weak, frail, and make mistakes. God knows that, so he has given us the Holy Spirit to help us even in our weakness. The spirit does not only come to us to help us in our weakness alone but also to intercede for us. God is willing to help us in all things; he acknowledges our weaknesses and does not want us to allow them to prevent us from getting closer to him, so he has sent the Holy Spirit to help us. God wants you to know that he is with us in all things and that we will never walk alone if we continue to see him as our helper.  He is compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love and truth. Beloved in Christ, do not be afraid because he will never leave us. Difficulties may come, but we should always ask him for help, and he will answer. When we pray, we should allow the Holy Spirit to move and have his way so that our prayers would be expressed in the way of the spirit to reach God.

There is no other God than our God because he cares for everyone and governs us with great lenience and justice. God’s grace is made fervent in hope, faith and charity, so beloved in Christ, we should not worry too much but always present our case to God. He is ready to listen and position us in the right place. He encourages us in Psalm 30:5 

“For his anger is but for a moment, and his favour is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.” 

Be encouraged because God will undoubtedly meet us at the point of our need, we should have faith in him and never give up.

As Christians, we must always remember that the enemy is always close by and will never leave us until he achieves his aim; he always plans to make things difficult and destroy us when the opportunity presents itself. This is the reason why we must always stay closer to God all the time because he alone can save us. God’s warning is clear 

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves”. (Matthew 10:16). 

In the gospel, Jesus speaks of the parable of wheat and tares and explains it to the disciples. The parable shows how the enemy can be very distractive. Darnel is very poisonous to humans and animals, mostly found in grainfields and can easily be confused with wheat. We can see the difference between it and wheat/grain during harvest time. The enemy is close by, very cunning and poisonous, but we should be glad because God is our help and will never leave us unguarded or unprotected.  The enemy may be close, but God is closer, and he will always guard and protect his own, so do not be afraid because he is watching over us.

I will conclude with Psalm 121; let us all meditate on this psalm and know that no matter what we go through, God will continue to be our help. AMEN