News of 19th February

News of 19th February

Exploring a good lent.

It may sound odd to want to wish somebody a good lent. But that’s exactly what we should do.

Lent is a period of time that allows us to prepare for the high point of the Christian year – the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

It is not simply a period of time where we think about something that we can give up, ‘what are you giving up this year?’ or what we may take on, ‘are you doing extra devotionals this year?’. 

No, lent is first and foremost a period of preparation, a period of preparation in which we leverage the power of self-denial in order to attempt to walk more closely with Jesus in his final weeks of earthly life.

In the following weeks we will walk with Jesus as He moves from the surrounds of Jerusalem where crowds follow Him and where He teaches to all who will listen. Where He heals, where He walks, where He talks to all who have ears to listen. 

We will enter into that great city with Him as he arrives as King – but not the King that people want or expect.

We will stand next to Him as the crowds who followed Him, where healed by Him, who listened to Him call for His death on the cross.

Most importantly we will share in His death, we will wait at His tomb and we will rejoice when we arrive on Easter Sunday morning – He is alive!

So I wish you a good lent. I wish that you find a way to walk with Jesus over the coming weeks and in doing so find a closer relationship with Him and a deeper understanding of His Love for you.

Fr. Matthew


Other news

Please bring your palm crosses to church on Sunday so that we can burn them for Ash Wednesday!

During Lent there will be a Priest available for confessions for an hour before each mass. Make your way to the statue of Jesus and the Priest will hear your confession or will help you make your first confession. 

Next Saturday (25th) is the annual fundraising concert by the Torfaen Male Voice Choir. Last year we raised well over £500 in ticket sales and donations for tea & coffee for the work of the parish. Please do support the concert by selling tickets this week or putting up a poster in your local shop.

Alpha continues to run on Thursday evenings right through Lent. If you’re interested, or know someone who you think may find it helpful, given them a flyer or point them to our website at

Can you bring in any spare plastic bags you have for foodbank please?

Our new coffee bike is now in place alongside our new cafe area. We’ll be advertising shortly for somebody to come and run the cafe on our behalf for a set daily fee – if you know of anyone who may be interested please speak to Fr. Matthew.