News for November 12th

News for November 12th

Remembrance & service.

Last week I spoke about the sacrifice of service. How in service to God we are called to serve one another and that service often comes with sacrifice.

In the case of St. Martin he sacrificed his cloak in service to the poor – and in doing so attracted the attention of God who made his cloak whole again.

On Remembrance Sunday we remember all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of our country and of God. All those men and women who have laid down their lives that we may live in a free and fair society.

We remember the young men who fought in the trenches of World War 1. 

We remember the young men who threw themselves at the evil of fascism in the Second World War.

We remember all those families who lost their loved ones, who lost people through physical injuries or through the pain and torment of mental ill health upon their return.

We remember that sometimes it is our duty to stand up and to fight for what is right. To stand in the face of evil and to say no.

The thing about service is that any damage, any loss, is always made whole again by God. 

Just as an angel made whole St. Martin’s cloak so too will He make our brokenness whole.

He heals us, He brings us peace, He calls us all to be with Him in Heaven if we’re willing to hear Him and believe in His Son.

We will remember them. We will be healed.

Fr. Matthew


Readings are available in the special order of service for this Sunday in church.

Other news

Sunday School THIS WEEK.

Thursday Fun & Fellowship is back this Thursday! Come along and play some games and get to know new people. 

The funeral of Norma Pigott will take place here at St. Anselm on Wednesday 29th November at 11am.

The Christmas Tree and Town Lights turn on will once again take place at St. Anselm, this year on the 16th November at 4pm with a joint primary schools choir concert and the switch on at 4:30pm. The mayor will be with us once again.

Please sign up for Parish Giving (which is a wonderful way to support St. Anselm and helps us claim more money from the government) Go to or call the Parish Giving Team directly on 0333 002 1271 quoting our parish number, which is: 230 623 503.