The Helper, the Paraclete.
Next Sunday we will celebrate Pentecost – the coming of the Holy Spirit. On Thursday we said goodbye to the earthly presence of Jesus as He ascended to His Father.
Jesus told us that He is sending us a helper – The Helper, called The Paraclete in some translations.
The Paraclete in the ancient Rome tradition was someone who was sent into a difficult situation to help. Sometimes they’re described in much the same way as a lawyer – but the reality was rather more complex and interesting.
When a soldier was accused of doing something wrong or was in any sort of trouble or strife the Paraclete was sent in to help.
Sometimes that would mean advocating on behalf of the soldier, or it may mean giving advice, or perhaps pointing them in the right direction when they may not be able to see the path in front of them.
That’s one of my favourite ways to think about the Holy Spirit – that when I’m in trouble (and perhaps I don’t even know I’m in trouble) the Holy Spirit will speak to me, advocate for me, give me advice and point me in the right direction.
Now, I may not like that advice, but the important thing is that I listen to it. Because when we’re in trouble, when we’re walking the wrong path or we’re in a spot of bother The Paraclete is there to give us some clarity and only has our best interests at heart.
We would be foolish not to listen to the advice of The Holy Spirit.
So spend this week listening and being open to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you in this moment.
Fr. Matthew
Other news
Thank you very much for Fr. Leslie who is covering Parish Mass for us whilst Fr. Matthew is away with his family on half term break. Please do pray for Fr. Leslie and give him the usual St. Anselm welcome!
There will be a bring and share lunch after the Pentecost service next Sunday – come to mass wearing red and be prepared for a great party afterwards.
We are lucky enough that five people have volunteered to be leaders for our summer holiday club. We’re now looking for people who can commit to a few hours to help with things like making tea & coffee, tidying up at the end of each day and other assisting tasks. Please speak to Fr. Matthew or Julie Estep (Sunday School Leader).
I’m still looking for volunteers for the 12th July to meet with Priests applying for our new Mission Priest job (interviews with +Jonathan on the 13th July). If you’d like to meet the applicants or help with showing them around the parish please be in touch.