News for Holy Week

News for Holy Week

Holy habits, daily prayer & scripture.  

As we enter Holy Week our Lent Course – Holy Habits – focuses on daily prayer and scripture. Perhaps the most difficult habit we have discussed to date.

Each habit we’ve talked about so far has an external prompt that helps us to focus on God. Our physical posture in the liturgy is driven by the liturgy itself and the action of others around us. The practice of Pilgrimage contains an element of adventure that helps us along and gratitude is the reaction of God’s work around us. 

But the daily reading of scripture and our daily prayers require something far harder to prompt us into doing them.


There are very few external prompts to open our bible or say our prayers. 

As Priests I think we’re fortunate to be required to say our offices each day – and are often prompted to do so by the public services we offer and the calling of the church bell at various times of day.

But if you’re not publicly accountable to carry out these tasks what keeps you focused on them?


The only way to start to read more scripture and to pray with regularity is to simply do it – and the more you do it – the more it will become a habit. 

The more of a habit it becomes the easier it will get and the easier it gets the more scripture and the Holy Spirit will be able to work within you. 

As we end Lent and move into Holy Week dig out your bibles and place them next to your bed. Pray when you wake, read scripture before you sleep. 

Wake with God on your lips and sleep with Him in your heart.

Fr. Matthew


Other news

As we start Holy Week together there are lots of changes to the usual schedule. Please do have a read and make sure you make time to come to the various important elements of Holy Week (not least Confession!)

Edmund will be the boat boy at the Chrism Mass with +Jonathan on Tuesday. You’re all warmly invited to attend this special service. 

Flowers – we really need some volunteers to make the altar of repose for the watch on Thursday night in the Lady Chapel and to dress the nave altar for the Vigil Mass on Saturday evening. I’d really appreciate any offers of help for this – or goodness knows what you’ll get if I do it! 

There is a Walk of Witness on Good Friday with our brothers and sisters in neighbouring parishes – we meet at 11am outside the Roman Catholic church in Botwell. 

Thank you to everyone (especially our online congregation) for the very generous donation of food and money to buy food for the foodbank over the last week. We’re back up to full strength and stand ready to help where we can.