Baptism, renewed.
This Sunday we celebrate the great feast of the Baptism of the Lord. It celebrates the moment that Jesus was baptised in the river Jordan by John the Baptist and what many call the start of his adult and public ministry in the world.
It is a moment of affirmation of who He is – as he comes up from the water the heavens open and a voice speaks,
‘This is my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on him.’ (Matthew 3,17)
There is no question here about who Jesus is – the Son of God – and we see one of the clearest depictions of the Holy Spirit in Scripture.
God the father in voice from heaven, God the holy spirit descending as a dove and God the son in the person of Jesus Christ.
We celebrate this moment each year, as Christmas moves into Epiphany, as a stark reminder that we are called to go out in the world as Jesus did and are empowered to do so through our baptisms.
Our baptisms are not just a one-off event that we may or may not remember.
They are not just a day in the diary that our Godparents send us a card – or it we’re lucky a present, to remember that special day.
They are not just an excuse for a party!
They are the moment that we are given everything we need to in our lives to serve God.
They are the moment that we are made ready to proclaim His Gospel to the world.
And every time we do… there is a voice from heaven proclaiming His favour on us.
Pray for the strength to step out in His name and proclaim Him anew.
Fr. Matthew
Other News
Alpha starts next week! (19th Jan) If you’re interested, or know someone who you think may be close to becoming Christian, given them a flyer or point them to our website at
You’ll have noticed our new coffee bike is now in place alongside our new cafe area. We’ll be advertising shortly for somebody to come and run the cafe on our behalf for a set daily fee – if you know of anyone who may be interested please speak to Fr. Matthew.
Fr. Josiah is organising our first family mass at the end of this month. If your child would like to take part, please speak to him. We’re very keen for children to lead the readings and the prayers – we have much to learn from them!
Parent and toddler group will return in January, details to be confirmed but look out for posters and leaflets to share.
Sunday School also makes a comeback from the first Sunday in February.
Our foodbank has been severely depleted by a significant rise in use over the new year. Please, please, please consider bringing some tins of meat, veg and pasta / rice to church.