News for 7th April

News for 7th April

A New Chapter

We are moving into a new chapter in the life of St Anselm’s Church, where a new vicar will be appointed to replace our current vacancy. It is a period of reflection and prayer for the parish and the new Vicar to be appointed. You may ask why a replacement should not be made now. We must know that we go through an interregnum, which simply means ‘vacancy between leaders’. It is so because there should always be a gap, which is excellent for planning, prayer, reflection, and preparation before a new appointment is made. Currently, the PCC will be very busy having mandatory meetings to set the ball rolling for the appointment. One thing is obvious: the process can only begin when the current Vicar has left. 

At this point in the life of St. Anselm, we should do so because change is a part of human life. Sometimes, it brings a lot of anxiety, mixed feelings, and even fear. We must not allow the change that may come to St. Anselm to scare us, but know that God brings this change to bring personal and holistic development, new opportunities, growth, and increase in our ability to adapt, learn new things, and helps us become united more than ever. We must be ready to embrace the new things that God will bring to us. Jennifer Lynn Hatmaker, an American writer, puts it this way, “God does not change, but He uses change – to change us. He sends us on journeys that bring us to the end of ourselves. We often feel out of control, yet if we embrace His leading, we may find ourselves on the ride of our lives.” Let us wait patiently on the Lord; let us be still and know that He is God. 

Other News

Our weekday Masses, Evening Prayer begins on Monday and Thursday Fun and Fellowship (TFF) continues this Thursday so please take note. 

The giving envelopes are ready so please speak to Nicholas or Julie to get your pack.

Fr. Matthew, Catherine and Edmund express their sincere thanks to all of us for the love and support shown to them.

Please note that the Licensing and Institution of Fr. Matthew Cashmore is on  Tuesday 9th April at 7pm. Poster is on the Notice Board.

We need volunteers for the Boys’ Brigade, gentlemen and ladies are welcome.

There is no Sunday School this Sunday because of the PCC Meeting. We will resume next week Sunday.

Please support the church generously through your giving at
