News for 4th February

News for 4th February

God is God

Last Wednesday at the food bank, after the volunteers and I helped to give some food out to families and individuals who came around, we sat at our usual place (The café area at the back of the church) waiting for those who came in while having tea and coffee. Although we were low on food, after some appeals, more people donated to make the day for the families and those who came to the food bank. Many exciting topics arise every time we sit down for a hot drink. This time, we had about five volunteers. 

One of the volunteers asked a question I cannot remember the number of times I have been invited, “Why did you become a priest?” my first statement was “Do you have the time?”. After giving some reasons, Lou asked a very probing question: Isaiah 55:8-9 was the answer: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”. For Lou, it is difficult to understand why God sometimes hides himself so wondrously, as though he does not see when things go wrong. 

It may be that a friend, sibling, mum, dad, or even you are going through some struggles, heartbreaks, or challenges that are shaking your faith considerably. Is the constant streaming of alarming news about acts of evil going on all over the world making you afraid and begging to ask, “Where is our God in whom we trust?”. We must always know that God is God, and he knows best, and we must also understand that “…for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28).

Other News

St. Anselm will be launching Boys’ Brigade, if you would like to know more or volunteer, please speak to Fr. Josiah, ladies and gentlemen can volunteer.

We are all reminded to bring back the palm crosses we received on Palm Sunday last year to make the ash for Ash Wednesday.

We are very low on food at the foodbank, all are welcome to donate.

The Torfaen Male Voice Choir will be with us for another concert on the 9th March. This is a great fundraiser for us – we raised over £500 the last two times they came. Save the date, tickets available soon. Tell everyone!

Please support the church generously through your giving at
