News for 30th October

News for 30th October

Talking about Jesus, Part 2. 

In the second part of a series on how to grow the church – and therefore the Kingdom of God here on Earth (inspired by Bishop Robert Barron in the USA) we pick up ideas three and four.

3 – Invite people to ask questions. 

Many people, even those who say they don’t like anything to do with church, are actually deeply interested in religion. 

Ask why they no longer come to Mass or why they’ve never even come to church to find out more. You might be surprised how ready they are to tell you.

But be ready to answer their questions with an open heart and honesty. Don’t be defensive, be genuinely happy to feed their hunger to know more.

4 – Be kind. This seems like such a simple thing to say but we so often forget it. 

Be kind. Both online and in real life, be kind. No one will be interested in hearing about the faith of an obviously bitter and unhappy person.

So there it is – invite others to Mass, pray for the Church, welcome questions (and have answers!), and be kind. These four steps can change lives. 

Will you join me in this new effort? Will you pray for its success?

Fr. Matthew


Other News

Mass for All Souls will take place at 6pm on Wednesday 2nd November. If you would like your loved one to be remembered at the mass please add the name to the list at the back of church or email Fr. Matthew or Fr. Josiah. 

Did you know you can support the parish by giving via Direct Debit? It’s super easy to set up and you can control it over the phone or via the website. It has a HUGE upside for the church as it means we automatically collect the Gift Aid on it (at no cost or fuss to you, the money comes direct from the Government). There are currently only 4 of us set up for Parish Giving but that brought in over £600 in additional Gift Aid last year, imagine if we were all doing this!

You can set it up by calling 0333 002 1271 and giving them our Parish Giving Code – 230 623 503 

Envelopes are still also available – please do speak to David if you don’t have a giving envelope and would like to help fund our mission.