News for 27th November

News for 27th November

The Arrival, Part 1.

Advent is a very important season in the Christian calendar because it is the beginning of the liturgical year. It is from Latin ‘Adventus’ which is translated as ‘coming’ or ‘arrival’ in Greek it is ‘Parousia’ and is used in the New Testament as ‘the second coming’. This is a season to prepare for the Nativity of Christ at Christmas. The liturgical Colour for this season is purple or violet. Advent is a four-week period in the church’s calendar, gives us four Sundays in Advent, and Christmas comes after Advent.

What To Expect During Advent

Advent Wreath/Advent Crown

This is a Christian tradition, and the wreath is made with assorted green leaves which signifies continuous life. The laurel signifies victory over persecution and suffering; pine, holly, and yew, immortality; and cedar, strength and healing. The prickly leaves also signify and reminds us of the crown of thorns. The circle of the wreath symbolizes the eternity of God, the immortality of the soul, and the everlasting life found in Jesus Christ. Pinecones, nuts or seed pods used to decorate the wreath also symbolizes life and resurrection.

The Four candles represent the four weeks of Advent. The tradition is that each week represents 1,000 years making 4,000 years from Adam and Eve until the birth of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Out of the four candles, three are purple and one is rose, and the purple candles symbolizes prayer, penance, and preparatory sacrifices, goods and work done at this time. The rose candle is lit on the third Sunday called Gaudete Sunday and, on this Sunday, the liturgical colour is rose. This third Sunday is the Sunday of rejoicing because we have reached the mid-point of Advent. The light signifies Christ who is our light. In this modern era, a white candle is placed in the middle of the wreath which signifies Christ, and it is lit on Christmas eve.



Other news

There will be a PCC meeting this Sunday (27th) immediately after mass. All are invited. It will be quite a long meeting so lunch will be provided and we may even go as far as turning the heating on! The accounts for 2021 will be presented.  

Advent & Christmas Dates:

  • Advent Course, Thursdays after mass (10:30am)
    and online via zoom (7:30pm)
    1/12, 8/12, 15/12, 22/12
  • 5th December – Ecumenical Carols at the Golden Disk, 7pm
  • 18th December – 9 Lessons and Carols, 6pm 
  • 24th December – Crib & Carols Service, 3pm
  • 24th December – Midnight Mass, 11:30pm
  • 25th December – Christmas Day Mass, 10am

You can set up regular giving by direct debit with Parish Giving by calling 0333 002 1271 and quoting our Parish Giving Code – 230 623 503 (or online via