News for 26th February

News for 26th February

A Good Lent

Last Wednesday we reminded ourselves of Genesis 3:19 that we are dust and to dust we will return this moves us to take a pause for reflection and meditation. Ash Wednesday sets the stage for this period of lent. During this period, we are reminded of our frailness in our Christian journey, and it takes Jesus Christ to move us into a position of strength, hope and perfection. 

Our activities during this Lent must be one of meditation and sober reflection of how we have lived our lives and what we can do to improve the assembly of God. We should be willing to deny ourselves of things that are not beneficial, acknowledging our weaknesses in order to gain strength in Christ and always avail ourselves for the things of God. We are always reminded that God’s grace is sufficient for us, and His power will be made perfect in weakness.

I remember when we were kids one of the things we were asked to do in Lent was to cultivate the habit of giving. We were given small boxes to drop some coins so that after lent it can be given to the less privileged in the society. Giving and sharing the little we have is one of the key virtues of this season. Are we giving our time, our money, our skill, food to support the food bank, volunteering etc? Every kind of giving is all to the glory of God when it is coming from a good heart. 

Fr. Josiah Myles Abadoo


Other news

Alpha Afternoon Tea – next Sunday (5th) we will be hosting an Afternoon Tea for all those who have been taking part in our Alpha Course. We will be exploring how the Holy Spirit works in our lives and it will be a great opportunity to meet some of the people who taking part in Alpha here at St. Anselm’s. It would be great if you could come along, learn a little about the Holy Spirit, meet some new people and maybe even help me prepare the Afternoon Tea! 3pm-6pm followed by a Spirit led Evening Prayer.

During Lent there will be a Priest available for confessions for an hour before each mass. Make your way to the statue of Jesus and the Priest will hear your confession or will help you make your first confession. 

Can you bring in any spare plastic bags you have for foodbank please?

Our new coffee bike is now in place alongside our new cafe area. We’ll be advertising shortly for somebody to come and run the cafe on our behalf for a set daily fee – if you know of anyone who may be interested please speak to Fr. Matthew.