Come with a flag this Sunday! Gleta had a great idea for our Patronal Festival this Sunday – as we can’t have a party – come along dressed in bright colours and with the flags of your home countries and cultures. We’ll be brining the Welsh flag, although I may not dress in green!
part of the family.
What a truly wonderful Sunday we had last week. Eight people confirmed in their faith and one person admitted to Holy Communion.
I wasn’t able to produce a list of names to pray for last week, but do please pray this week – everyday – for:
- Andrew
- Eddy
- Gavin
- Kino
- Nene
- Edmund
- Aaron
- David-Martin
- and Christine.
The journey they have now started is one that we share with them. It is our duty to care for them as they join us in church, but also out in the world. We do that through prayer, and also in practical ways. Ensuring that they know that no matter what – they have a family in Jesus Christ.
The Bishop was over the moon at this beautiful display of faith and of love.
The building work nears completion, we’re hoping to announce an opening day soon. But for now, put the 18th July in your diary for a big party, the Bishop will be back, it’s the one year anniversary of my licensing, and my 41st on the 19th!
Fr. Matthew
Other news
A quiet week as Fr. Matthew takes a short holiday in the caravan. He’s not far away so if you need him in an emergency do contact him on the usual number (on the front of the pew sheet).
Fr. Angus will be back with us on Thursday evening offering a mid-week mass (6pm) and Evening Prayer, please do come and support him.
Foodbank runs as usual.
No Saturday cleaning this week.
The APCM is on the 9th May immediately after Mass. Keep an eye out for reports over the coming week or so.
Don’t forget to consider setting up regular giving with the Parish Giving Scheme. Call 0333 002 1271 with your bank details to hand and quote our Parish
Code – 230 623 503 or visit