Peace, Peace, Peace. A simple but powerful prayer.
As my father and I were driving across Poland to reach the Ukraine boarder it became very clear that things had changed.
We left Germany (and the very fast motorway) behind us, and slowed down to make sure we were within the new speed limit. As we slowed we started to notice more around us.
Instead of the blur of green we started to see small shrines dedicated to Our Lady. We saw bill boards at the side of the motorway dedicated to prayer and time and time again we saw this bill board.

It reads ‘Peace, Peace, Peace’ and had an image of Our Lady of Medjugorje on the left hand side.
This poster appeared time and time again. I stopped counting after 100 and started timing how soon it would be before I saw it again.
As I sat in my hotel room that night I turned on the TV and on their equivalent of BBC One was a live broadcast of the Angelus.
This public proclamation of prayer, of dedication to Jesus and to His Mother served as a constant reminder to pray and to live life within the boundless love of the Holy Family.
I found it deeply comforting and profoundly inspiring.
Just five miles from where this photograph was taken is a country plunged into war in the face of a relentless aggressor. But in the face of that relentless aggression and evil the response – first and last – should always be prayer.
So pray this week, pray Peace, Peace, Peace and consider how you can show your faith to the world and inspire others to know Jesus.
Fr. Matthew
24th July
31st July
Other news
I will be away on holiday for the next two Sundays and Frs Leslie and Nigel will be here to look after you. Please do give them your usual warm and loving welcome.
BBQ at the vicarage on the 20th August, midday to 4pm. More details soon.
Thank you for all the foodbank donations, please keep them coming in whilst I’m away.
From Saturday 30th July the church (inside and out) will be being cleaned and cleared by the Community Pay Back teams – this will be every Saturday from now on.