News for 26th November

News for 26th November

Christ the King.

When we think of Jesus as King I often wonder if we are missing a great deal of His teaching. 

Jesus told us time and time again that He wasn’t the King that the Jewish people were expecting – coming with horses and chariots to free them from the rule of the Romans.

He entered Jerusalem in triumph on Palm Sunday not with horses and chariots – but on the back of a donkey. 

So why then do we enthrone Him on this very special Sunday? Why do we show him upon a throne, decked out in regal attire and ruling over us as an earthly King?

The point of this elevation is to highlight Jesus as ‘Christ’ which in itself is a royal title meaning ‘King’ – although of course not in the way that the secular world understands (even Pilate misunderstands it when he called Jesus ‘King of the Jews’).

It is a way of understanding Jesus as King of Heaven and the world to come. He sits enthroned on David’s throne (Lk 1:30-32) as promised by the Angel Gabriel. 

The feast today marks the end of Ordinary Time, next Sunday we begin Advent and the start of another liturgical year.

We end Ordinary Time on a high – with a Feast and a celebration of Jesus Kingship – and a reminder of what Jesus commands us to do in scripture. 

Jesus commands us to feed the hungry to give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, to harbour the harbourless, to visit the sick, to ransom the captive and to bury the dead.

How will you respond to Jesus command this advent?

Fr. Matthew


Readings for Sunday 26th November

Other news

Christmas concert with The Yiewsley and West Drayton Band is on Friday 1st December at 8pm, in St. Anselm. Ticket costs £5 and is available on the website.   

THIS week is Sunday School and we are planning to present a surprise package in December so we will need all the children THIS Sunday at 11:30am.

Children’s Mass for Winter Term will be on Sunday 17th December at 10am. 

Thursday Fun & Fellowship this Thursday! Come along and play some games and get to know new people. 

The funeral of Norma Pigott will take place here at St. Anselm this Wednesday November at 11am.

The Indian Orthodox church who use the church on Sunday afternoons have invited us to join them for carols by their children and some refreshments on Sunday 17th December, 3pm – 5:30pm. Fr. Matthew & Fr. Josiah will be in attendance. 

Please be aware that mass will be in the evening on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

The prayer list will be re-published next Sunday. If you would like to remain / have a name on the list please be in touch with Susan this week. 

Please support the church generously this Advent through your giving.