News for 23rd July

News for 23rd July

Holy rest, why is it so important.

It is often said that Priests, when they preach, do so primarily to themselves. This may well be an example of me writing an article I need to read!

We have a packed Autumn Term planned, there is something happening every week and we’re all working super hard to bring new people to Jesus Christ here at St. Anselm.

As we come to the summer school holidays it’s a good time to reflect on our workloads and consider a time of rest and relaxation.

This isn’t being lazy, it isn’t running away – it is vital if we are to be in the best shape possible to welcome the people of Hayes as they discover us through the mission and evangelism work we are all working so hard on. 

What good will we be if, when children arrive for Sunday School we are so worn down and grumpy that the welcome they receive is anything less than loving and enthusiastic? 

What good will we be if, when people who come on Thursday evening to the 59 Club or Fun & Fellowship are faced with sourness and tired disciples?

God gave us the sabbath – our day of rest – as a model of His being, of His love. 

To love Him, is to accept His rest… to be like the disciple that Jesus loved and to recline our heads in His lap.

Thank you for all you have done this year. Rest now. Come back re-energised and full of Love for Him.

Fr. Matthew


Other news

There is Sunday School THIS WEEK at 11:30am-12:30pm. Please invite and encourage your children to come.

Please sign up for Parish Giving (which is a wonderful way to support St. Anselm and helps us claim more money from the government) Go to or call the Parish Giving Team directly on 0333 002 1271 quoting our parish number, which is: 230 623 503.

Fr. Josiah is launching the first Fun & Fellowship evening this Thursday at 7pm. It’s going to be a great evening of conversation, board games, all with tea, coffee & cake. Please be in touch with Fr. Josiah if you could lend a hand serving or having a chat with people.