News for 21st January

News for 21st January

Ashamed of The Gospel?

During a short meditation on Romans 1:16, which says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek”. Several thoughts came to mind regarding our willingness as Christians to share the word of God with people. Are we naturally shy or ashamed of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ? Why is it that we are never shy when sharing, for example, our holiday experiences, exciting achievements, an interesting movie we watched in the theatre, a new recipe we prepared, a football match we watched, etc., with friends and family and yet when it comes to proclaiming the Good News to people, we instantly become uncomfortable?

Charles Darwin explained shame through its physical expression as ‘casting the eyes downward, lowering the head, blushing and a slack posture’. Do these expressions apply when preaching the salvific message to friends and family? We should see the proclamation or sharing the Good News with people as a privilege and an opportunity to move angels to celebrate in heaven because a soul has been won for Jesus. We must, therefore, feel proud, bold, and joyful whenever we get the opportunity to talk about Jesus to people. Instead, we should be ashamed when we do things that do not glorify God and not when we proclaim the Good News.

Christians are to announce the Gospel unashamedly because it brings hope, comfort, love, peace, joy, healing, deliverance, and eternal life to those who believe. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news…” (Isaiah 52:7)

Other News

We have PCC meeting after Mass today in the Church Hall.

Thursday Fun and Fellowship every Thursday in the Church Hall from 7pm to 8:30pm. 

If you are interested in serving on the Altar, please speak to Fr. Josiah or Susan

We would like to improve the participation of children and young people in church activities so If you’ve got ideas on what we can do to encourage children to be fuller members of our family, please be in touch with Fr. Josiah or Susan Chick. 

Next Sunday, we will have a visitor from the Boys’ Brigade, National to do a short presentation about Boys’ Brigade.

Please support the church generously through your giving at
