Cafe tables and chairs.
As many of you know we’ve been working for some months now on opening our own cafe. My hope was to have something open by the spring to take advantage of our lovely summer.
Sadly this hasn’t happened for two reasons. Firstly the weather has not exactly played ball but more importantly we’ve been working with a potential external partner to provide our coffee and cafe expertise.
I wanted us to open a cafe that would support both the people who grow and produce the coffee, but also people of this parish who have perhaps not had the best deal in life – either in terms of exams or upbringing – but who have the drive, passion and energy to launch and run their own business.
As somebody who didn’t get to do A-levels I recognise the importance of being given an opportunity to prove yourself in other ways – I want our coffee shop to offer that chance to somebody in our parish.
Sadly we were not able to come to a satisfactory place with the partner and so I’ve taken the decision to bring this enterprise in-house.
Over the coming weeks we’ll be advertising this opportunity far and wide so keep an eye out and be ready to share it.
We’re already one step closer to opening thanks to an incredibly generous donation of outside cafe furniture from Alex and Stef Richards. Thank you both so much.
Fr. Matthew
Other news
There is Sunday School THIS WEEK at 11:30am-12:30pm. Please invite and encourage your children to come.
There is Thursday Fun and Fellowship this coming Thursday. This is proving to be a really lovely evening with a great group of people. 7pm – 8:30pm. Board games, conversation and refreshments.
We’re going to move tea & coffee after mass to the rear of church in the cafe area. The tea & coffee rota isn’t getting much love at the moment so if you feel able to help please do get in touch. You’ll be able to learn how to use the espresso machine and it would be an enormous help and your gift to extending to fellowship and love of St. Anselm’s.
We are looking for volunteers to help serve food on the 2nd Thursday of each month and to learn how to operate the coffee bike. If you’d be interested in helping please speak to Fr. Matthew.
Please sign up for Parish Giving (which is a wonderful way to support St. Anselm and helps us claim more money from the government) Go to or call the Parish Giving Team directly on 0333 002 1271 quoting our parish number, which is: 230 623 503.