News for 18th December

News for 18th December

The Arrival.


For the past three weeks we have been on a journey of preparation which has led us into what Advent is about and what to expect during advent, the importance of scripture in our Christian journey by availing ourselves to the hearing, reading, marking and inwardly digesting the scriptures. We completed last week by focusing on knowing Jesus, loving Him and serving Him and indeed our own St. Richard of Chichester (1197-1253) made it simple for us with his prayer “…may I know you more clearly, love you more dearly and follow you more nearly, day by day”.

This week we conclude by meditating on one of the most popular biblical quotes “For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). 

God first showed us love by giving us His only begotten Son, he first showed us love by first extending a hand of unconditional love. In showing His love He first acted, and it is our turn to respond to this act of love. God expressed this love so that we will not perish but be guaranteed eternal life.

His son is going to be with us very soon and His coming is all about love, making things right and bringing us salvation. How do we express love to those around us? Are we ready and willing to give of our best to make others have some comfort? Are we ready to do something to help the less privileged in our community going through hard times in the cold? How are we expressing the love that God has shown us to those we come across? Let us meditate on this and ask God to speak to us to show love to the suffering.

Fr. Josiah.


Other News

Please make a special effort to come to our Advent & Christmas Carol service on Sunday evening at 6pm. You’ll get to see (and use) our new coffee bike which Fr. Matthew is picking up and will be arriving with at the end of the 10am Mass – be there to witness him trying to drive it into church!

Advent & Christmas Dates:

  • Advent Course, Thursdays after mass (10:30am)
    and online via zoom (7:30pm) – 22/12
  • 18th December – Advent & Christmas Carols, 6pm 
  • 24th December – Crib & Carols Service, 3pm
  • 24th December – Midnight Mass, 11:30pm
  • 25th December – Christmas Day Mass, 10am