News for 16th June

News for 16th June

Collation of Our New Vicar

God willing, on Monday, 17th June, the Bishop of Fulham, Rt. Rev. Jonathan Baker will join us in St. Anselm to Collate and Induct to this Benefice Fr. Stephen George Brown SSC. Monday is a significant day in the life of this parish, and it is a historical one as well. Fr. Stephen, as we can see in his short introduction of himself to us in last week’s pew sheet, portrays him as an outstanding and experienced servant to the church and the community we have all been called to serve. I have had several interactions with him, and I can say without mincing words that it is a joy to be around him. We cannot wait to have him here as our Vicar and show him how we love each other and stay together even in challenging times.

One crucial thing that our new Vicar will need from all of us is our constant support, especially through prayers. Prayer is the key to spiritual growth, direction, development and success. Our new Vicar will need all this to help build the church of God. Saint Joseph (Giuseppe) Moscati once wrote, “It is necessary to pray for priests because they are so often forgotten by the living since Christians often consider that priests do not need prayers.” Fr. Stephen and his family will need our prayers to help them in their ministry here.

We cannot wait to worship with the Bishop of Fulham as the principal celebrant, supported by the Clergy, with the Mayor of Hillingdon present. We will be hosting lovely people coming from our community and other places. This is an opportunity to show them how united, loving and welcoming we are. After the Mass, we will all eat, drink, and make new friends.

Monday night is a huge opportunity to invite people to church and pray that most of them will join us at St. Anselm after the collation and Induction.

Fr. Josiah Myles Abadoo SSC


It is the intention of the Bishop of Fulham to Collate to the Benefice of St Anselm, Hayes on Monday 17th June 2024, Fr. Stephen George Brown SSC.

The Bishop of Fulham will be ordaining Deacons on Saturday 29th June, at 11:00am and Priests on 30th June, at 5:00pm. The venue is St. Andrew, Holborn.

We will need some donations for the Foodbank in the coming days. Your support will be appreciated. We need the following items: Tin Fish, Cereals, Long Life Milk, Sugar, Rice, Biscuits, Tea, Coffee etc.

Nuffield Health will be doing Health Assessments Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month here in St. Anselm during Foodbank, 12:00 – 1400. Free BP Checks, Body Measurements and exercise/nutritional advice.

A huge thank you to all those who have accepted to volunteer in the Boys’ Brigade. Please know that the Brigade is going to be launched in September. Fliers will come up very soon.

Please support the church generously through your giving at
