News for 16th January

News for 16th January

Enforced humility, and what it means.  

Our Gospel this Sunday tells the story of Jesus and his Mother at a wedding in Cana.

We know the story well, but this week as I have sat with the scripture in my enforced quiet due to illness the words of Mary to the servants have struck me incredibly hard.

‘Do whatever He tells you.’

John 2:5

When we are sick or our bodies start to dictate what we do with our time we can feel angry and frustrated. That’s certainly been my experience this week… I have things to do and people to see! 

I have God’s work to do! I must open the church, I must ring the bell, I must visit and I must be in the parish talking to people in the high street.

All of this is good and proper, but this week I’ve been forced to sit quietly and not do these things. 

I’ve had to sit and quietly listen to the voice of God in a way that I have not dictated. 

Many of us come to God in a way that we dictate. We say how and when we come to God, we even dictate to God how we will carry out His will in the world. 

But in that dictation there is arrogance and pride. 

We must be alive to the fact that God may require us to carry out His mission in a way that we may not particularly like or expect – and it can take something like being ill to highlight that to us.

Perhaps we should find a path that allows us to listen rather than dictate, and not wait until we’re forced into it against our will!

Fr. Matthew


Other news

Thank you all for your kind love and support last week when I was poorly. The messages and presents of oranges, home remedies and notes made all the difference. I’m back to full strength and feel very loved indeed – thank you. 

Foodbank needs: Tinned fruit, vegetables, meat & fish. Instant noodles, long life milk. 

It was beautiful to come to your homes this week to bless them, if you missed out and would still like a blessing do let me know. 

We will be joined by (potentially) two applicants for the new Director of Music role this Sunday – one of whom will be playing for us – I know you’ll give them your usual loving welcome. 

Please note the new weekly pattern of worship – we’ve moved the Monday morning mass to be an evening mass instead – praying that as the evenings lighten we may encourage those going home from work to come through our doors.