News for 15th January

News for 15th January

It’s easy to bring people to church.

As I sat to write this weeks pew sheet I was visited in the vestry by a regular member of the congregation – I shall not reveal their name to save their blushes. 

They sat opposite me and we had a good natter about the parish, about life in general, about schools and Hayes Town – all the usual and interesting things.

They then told me they’d been to have their hair done and overheard some people talking about the church and how they’d seen it was now open after so many years of being closed.

So, they piped up and told them it was their church and it had never been closed, but it was certainly very much alive these days.

The people in the shop were amazed and told her how they had started going to a church in Ealing before COVID because they thought we were closed.

The stalwart of St. Anselm then invited them to come here, but didn’t stop there – they got their numbers and has arranged to meet them ahead of mass and bring them here… messaging them during the week to remind them where and when to meet. 

What a brilliant thing to do! It is exactly what Bishop Philip North encourages us to do when we invite people to church.

‘I’m going to church on Sunday, it’s great – you should come. What time shall I pick you up?’

So thank you to this wonderful person – this evangelist of God – who has shown us how easy it is to bring new people to the Love & Grace of Jesus Christ.

Amen, amen, amen!

Fr. Matthew


Other news

Thank you to all who have brought provisions in for the foodbank, we are now back up to full strength – but the need is great and continuing so do please keep the donations up over the coming weeks.

Alpha starts this week! (19th Jan) If you’re interested, or know someone who you think may be close to becoming Christian, given them a flyer or point them to our website at

You’ll have noticed our new coffee bike is now in place alongside our new cafe area. We’ll be advertising shortly for somebody to come and run the cafe on our behalf for a set daily fee – if you know of anyone who may be interested please speak to Fr. Matthew.

Fr. Josiah is organising our first family mass at the end of this month. If your child would like to take part, please speak to him. We’re very keen for children to lead the readings and the prayers – we have much to learn from them!

PCC meeting on the 5th February immediately after mass – to include a special meeting for appointing Fr. Matthew as Vicar. 

Fr. Matthew is in the Holy Land this week (returning Wednesday evening) If you have any special prayer requests for him to take to this special place please be in touch.