Hearing God as we rest.
There is a statue and a devotion of
St. Joseph that is said to be one of Pope Francis’ favourites. It’s one of mine as well.
It’s the sleeping form of St. Joseph.
When I was growing up I was used to seeing St. Joseph working hard in his carpentry shop, lifting, cutting and shaping wood. This hard working man was the good family man who did the right thing when asked by God.
What I had missed in my youth was that each time God comes to St. Jospeh he does so in his sleep.
No great announcement from an angel like Mary or the Shepard’s, no burning bush as for Moses – no great fanfare – just a very simple and quiet instruction in those calm moments of sleep.
He comes to St. Joseph four times – all in Matthew.
First God instructs him to stay with Mary, then to leave Bethlehem and flee to Egypt, then to come home when it is safe and finally to head to Galilee rather than Judea on his return.
St. Jospeh listen each time with a quiet resolve to do what God has instructed him.
Do we listen to God in our times of rest? Do we hear that small voice in those small hours?
Fr. Matthew
Other news
A big thank you to the foodbank volunteers who rolled up their sleeves and gave the church a good clean this week.
Thank you also to Fr. Angus and to Susan for their sterling work and prayers this week.
Our Lent Course – Holy Habits – will start this Thursday (17th). You can take part in person on Thursday mornings after mass (with a lent lunch served afterwards) or online on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm. More details on the website – www.stanselm.co.uk/lent
Lent is a very good time to make your first confession. If you’ve not come to confession before, or if you’re worried about how it works and what it is for – please speak to Fr. Matthew.