Thank You and Goodbye
This Sunday will be our last with you. We’ve already moved out of the vicarage and are surrounded by boxes in Devon. It is absolute chaos wherever I look. Each time I empty a box things get worse and I can’t see how we’re ever going to actually get the house square.
I often feel like this as we start Holy Week. There is so much to organise, so much to do. Flowers, candles, liturgies, baptisms… if I’m not careful I can very quickly start to feel overwhelmed. There is simply too much to handle, too much to do!
But then, as I sit in prayer before the blessed sacrament (as I did yesterday at the Chrism Mass) I am lifted out of chaos and reminded that all of this is for God – and in particular for my relationship with Him.
It’s important that we keep hold of that understanding as things change and shift around us. We get used to how things are, the general plodding on of life – so when things change or things get busy we can immediately be frightened or worried or angry. It is in those moments we need to most clearly reach of God and for that calm that only He can bring.
Over the coming months there will be much change at St. Anselm as you look to find a new Vicar. Things many not be as they were before, but that is okay because we KNOW that God is in all of this and He will show us the way.
So now I sit here, surrounded by chaos and change, not frightened, not worried, not angry – but content – content that no matter what happens with all these boxes(!) – God will make His way known and all will be well.
The same is true for all of you at St. Anselm and in the wider Hayes community. God will make His way known and all will be well.
Thank you for your love, your prayers and your support over the last four years. We love you all very dearly.
Fr. Matthew, Catherine & Edmund
Other News
Please note that offices will be said privately during the week. There is no weekday Masses as well.
The giving envelopes are ready so please speak to Nicholas or Julie to get your pack.
We are thankful to all those who donated towards this Beautiful Easter Garden and Easter Flowers. Donations were received in memory of Tony Bernard, Mr. and Mrs. Murray and those we have loved and lost.
Thank you to all the Sunday School children and volunteers who helped to build this year’s Easter Garden.
Please support the church generously through your giving at