We’re delighted to share services times and details for Holy Week and Easter 2023.
Easter is a very special time and Holy Week (starting from Palm Sunday on the 2nd April) is a whole week where you are called home to church, to be with one another – gathered around the tomb in prayer, fasting and love as we await the greatest victory ever!
I’m really pleased to be able to offer a children’s service on Palm Sunday afternoon where we’ll be building the Easter Garden in the Lady Chapel. Lots of mess and lots of fun!
I’m looking forward to welcoming you to St. Anselm and to our beautiful family.
Fr. Matthew
Palm Sunday – 2nd April
- 10am – Parish Mass, meet outside for procession
- 3pm-4pm – Children’s Building of the Easter Garden
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday of Holy Week
(3rd, 4th, and 5th April)
- 3pm – Stations of the Cross (Wednesday)
- 7pm – Confessions
- 7:30pm – High Mass
Maundy Thursday – 6th April
- 8pm – High Mass of the Lord’s Supper
with washing of feet, stripping of the altars, and watch until midnight.
Good Friday – 7th April
- 11am – Walk of Witness (starting at Botwell RC Church)
- 3pm – The Liturgy of the Passion
with veneration of the cross.
Holy Saturday – 8th April
- 8pm – The Paschal Vigil and First Mass of Easter
The Greatest Celebration of the Christian Year
Easter Sunday – 9th April
- 10am – High Mass of Easter