UPDATE: after the news that London was to move into Tier 3 we have – very reluctantly – taken the decision to cancel this years Christingle and Crib service on Christmas Eve. This is heartbreaking, but in a year of heartbreak it’s just one more thing.
But Christmas is not canceled, the love of Christ can not be canceled and we will be going ahead with Midnight Mass (11:30pm) and Mass of Christmas Day (10am) – we’ll also be saying Evening Prayer 1 of Christmas Day at 5pm on Christmas Eve. It will be a very quiet, very simple, candlelit service of praise and thanksgiving. A moment of calm on Christmas Eve as we join Mary and Joseph at the side of the crib.
Start Christmas with your friends, with music and with the traditional crib & Christingle service.
We’ll have beautiful music, and will be asking the children to bring the statues of each of the characters of the nativity story to be placed in the crib at the front of church. We’ll tell the story of that night, long ago, when Mary and Joseph fought to find a place to be warm and loved and how they found comfort & joy in a stable in Bethlehem.
We will then make our very own Christingles which we can take home and share with our friends and family.
There’s no better way to spend Christmas Eve in 2020. Beauty, love, comfort & joy.