He is risen!
He is risen indeed!
It’s often said that we Christians are ‘an Easter people’. What does that mean?
At the most basic level we are Christians because Jesus died for us, he descended into hell and on the third day he rose again. It is this central fact that is at the heart of our faith.
Without that our faith is hollow. Without that understanding of that ultimate act of Love, without that understanding that he rose again, then who are we?
Are we a social group here to care for the poor? Are we a group of people who meet once a week for a cup of tea and a chat? (When we are allowed again).
Absolutely not! We are a community of Christians whose faith in Jesus Christ – in his death and resurrection – drive us to acts of good in the world.
Our faith is at the very heart of who we are and what we do in the world.
On Sunday we welcome four new people to the family of Christ, to the body of Jesus Christ and his Church on earth.
Their faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ means that death no longer has dominion over them. Death has no sting, because they know (as we already do) that they are saved into eternal life in the Love of God.
Now what do they do with that faith? What do we do? We must take it out into the world and share it with others – we share it because we want more people to come to understand that Love and we want more people to be saved into Heaven!
This is why I get excited each time we break a new number in church. This is what we are for… this is what Jesus Christ instructed us to do.
Go and announce the Gospel of The Lord!
Fr. Matthew
Other news
An enormous thank you to everyone who has cleaned, done the flowers, tidied up, moved chairs and just about every other job to make the church so clean, tidy & beautiful for Easter Sunday – thank you!
A very quiet week for public services as Fr. Matthew takes a couple of days leave and then ties himself to his desk to catch up with admin that has caught up over Holy Week & Easter. Fr. Matthew is available throughout the week via his usual number & email.
Don’t forget to consider setting up regular giving with the Parish Giving Scheme. Call 0333 002 1271 with your bank details to hand and quote our Parish Code – 230 623 503