What are we doing to keep you safe?
As the new variant of COVID hits the UK we’ve looked at our COVID Safe measures once again and tightened up several areas. Here’s what we’re doing to keep you safe…

When you enter church you will now find a large open space to enable the safe entry of groups of people – a free flow into the main space of the church and easy access to the hand sanitiser station.
It is now mandatory to wear a face mask in church, unless one of the following exemptions applies.
- leading the service or reading / leading prayers.
- during singing
- you are under the age of 11
- if you are unable to wear a mask because of a physical or mental illness or impairment, or disability
- if putting on, wearing or removing a face covering will cause you severe distress
- if you are travelling with or providing assistance to someone who relies on lip reading to communicate
- to avoid harm or injury, or the risk of harm or injury, to yourself or others
- to avoid injury, or to escape a risk of harm, and you do not have a face covering with you
- to eat or drink
- to take medication
Whilst there is no longer a need to collect NHS Track and Trace details, the QR code is still available at the welcome desk for those who may wish to use it.

The seating in church is now in single rows with 1.5m spacing in depth allowing a greater degree of social distancing if you would prefer.
We do not believe there is a need for a one-way system or other control of the flow of people within the space as it is very large and has a great deal of air-flow.
We have increased the frequency of ‘fogging’ – especially when large groups use the space, such on Foodbank on Wednesday.
Keeping things clean
During the week we clean the church several times. This takes the form of ‘fogging’ which we do with a fogger supplied by a company called Electrox.
Fogging is a term used for the production of a fine spray, by a fogger containing a solution that has the ability to neutralise viruses and bacteria. You can find out more about our fogger and how it works by reading this PDF from Charles Farris or by watching this short video by the manufacturer.
We also ensure that all surfaces and touch points are cleaned using a spray that kills any bacteria or viruses each day.
The church is used on Wednesdays for foodbank – it is cleaned thoroughly before and afterwards.
Risk Assessment
We keep our risk assessment under constant review, formally revisiting it at our PCC meetings. We ensure we keep up to date with the latest advice published by the Church of England on their website and follow it as closely as possible.
It is available to be viewed in church.
If you have any questions about our procedures or risk assessment – you can contact us using the details on this page. Do not be afraid to ask us anything. If you think we could be doing something better – let us know. If you think we’ve missed something – let us know.