The Botwell Ward Labour Councillors have decided to cease meeting people at St. Anselm Church and are now meeting them in the library. We were very happy to provide a COVID-safe space when the council was unable to, and continue to support community groups in Hayes. If you would like to use the church or the church hall for your community group do get in touch.
Botwell ward councillors Farley, Gardner and Oswell are holding fortnightly ward surgeries at St Anselm’s Church Foodbank, Station Road, Hayes Town, UB3 4DF.
The St Anselm’s Foodbank operates every Wednesday between 12pm and 2pm.
At least 2 of the Botwell ward councillors will be available at the foodbank every fortnight, to help with any resident’s council related concerns between 12.30 and 2pm.
The schedule for the coming months (Covid-19 restrictions permitting are as follows:
- Wednesday 14th October 2020
- Wednesday 28th October 2020
- Wednesday 11th November 2020
- Wednesday 25th November 2020
- Wednesday 9th December 2020
- Wednesday 6th January 2021
However, you do not need to wait for the surgery at the foodbank. If you have any council related concerns, your councillors can be contacted by email as below or by telephone on:
01895 250 780 (office hours)

Cllr Scott Farley

Cllr Janet Gardner

Cllr John Oswell