News for 29th September

News for 29th September

Have Your Way LORD

Sometimes, we ask this question, “What is the will of God?” This is a huge theological question that many theologians have looked at. Our dear St. Thomas Aquinas, an astute theologian in his ‘Summa Theologiae’, says that God is “the highest good” and posits that “God alone is good essentially”. James 1:17 is clear, “Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” Only God can give us what is good, and this is the reason why we are all admonished to ask God to have his way continually. We do not know what is best for us, so we must always leave everything before the throne of grace so that the one who possesses all perfect things will give us what is best.

How often do we ask God to have His way after we have prayed and presented our petitions to him? Ending our prayer with ‘Have your way, LORD’ is always a joy. It is not only to let him know that he knows best but also to let him know that it is through him that we live, move, and have our being; it is to accept the authority of God in our lives and to proclaim to Him that we depend on Him and not on our strength and abilities. It is to show that his council and decisions are the best for our lives.

In our lives, let us tell God to have his way; in our marriages, let us invite him to come in and have his way; in our workplaces, let us ask him to go and have his way; in our difficult times, let us call him to have his way, in our relationships let us pray to Him to have his way, because he is the ‘highest good’, he alone is good essentially. If we allow God to have his way, we are relieved of all the burden because he will take it from us.


Our next PCC Meeting is on 13th October, immediately after Mass.

Please take note that the launching of the Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association has been moved to 5th November.

We need volunteers to work as sides people to support the Church Wardens before, during and after worship by welcoming people to church.

Please sign up to read the scriptures during divine worship.

Please support the church generously through your giving at
