News for 21st April

News for 21st April

APCM Loading. . .

The canons (Ecclesiastical law) directs that we do the Annual Meeting of Parishioners from 1st January to 31st May. This meeting is supposed to be a joint meeting made up of those who have their names on the electoral roll of the parish, including individuals who are residents in the parish whose names appear on the local government register of electors. The purpose of this meeting is to elect Churchwardens. This meeting is followed by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), which is the meeting that elects PCC members and other agenda. 

It is important to note that we must adhere to meeting all the legalities before these meetings because they are mandatory.

We are in a period where the church will need as many people as possible to take on specific roles in the church. Suppose you have gifts and expertise that will help in the spiritual growth and development of the church. In that case, God is calling you to present yourselves as  Churchwardens, PCC Member, a deanery synod representative or for other Parish Church roles. Whatever God-given gift we have is to help develop and edify the body of Christ. Let us encourage each other, and also feel free to approach individuals we believe have gifts that can enhance the church’s work to present themselves for these roles.1 Peter 4:10 admonishes us, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: “

There is always a first time, but don’t worry and be assured of the help of the very experienced individuals in the parish who are ready to help you serve in whatever role you feel called into. 

May God speak to all of us and move us to play our part in the growth and development of the body of Christ through the stirring up of the gifts of God in us.

Fr. Josiah

Other News

Please be informed that our Annual Meeting of Parishioners and APCM is scheduled to take place on 19th May, and as part of the processes leading to that, there will be revision of the Church’s Electoral Roll by the PCC. Please let them know if any names should be taken out and or take a form from Greta if you want your name on the electoral Roll.

The giving envelopes are ready so please speak to Nicholas or Julie for your pack.

We are planning a BBQ next week Sunday after Mass to give us the opportunity to socialise, so please come prepared.

We will need some donations for the Foodbank in the coming days. Your support will be appreciated.

Nomination Forms for election as Churchwarden of the Parish is ready. Please see the PCC Secretary Jackie for a form.

We need volunteers for the Boys’ Brigade, gentlemen and ladies are welcome. We planning on Launching in September and we need to get volunteers by end of April.

Please support the church generously through your giving at
