New for 14th April

New for 14th April

Singing In Unison

It is always joyful to come together as a church and sing hymns at the same pitch or, if you like, in unison. Most of us sing in our homes when we are with family and friends and sometimes when we are alone. When we pray, we sometimes sing to uplift our spirits. 

Most of the time, singing in public is seen as the job of the professionals, but when we meet as a church, we all sing together, even when we have professionals leading. We currently do not have professional singers leading in the singing during worship; nevertheless, we have been blessed with individuals who have beautiful voices, which we all enjoy whenever we sing together in Church.

On page 43 of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, “Life Together”, he asks the question, “Why do Christians sing when they are together?” and the answer is inspiring: “The reason is, quite simply, because in singing together it is possible for them to speak and pray the same Word at the same time; in other words, because here they can unite in the Word.” Singing together unites us in worship and prayer, making us stay focused and devoid of interruptions. 

A church that sings together is always edified because the presence of God is continuously manifested when we sing praises and hymns to him. In Ephesians 5:19, we are told, “addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,”. Let us all sing together and praise the name of the LORD with all our hearts and voices.

Other News

Please be informed that our Annual Meeting of Parishioners and APCM is scheduled to take place on 19th May, and as part of the processes leading to that, there will be revision of the Church’s Electoral Roll by the PCC. Please let them know if any names should be taken out and or take a form from Greta if you want your name on the electoral Roll.

The giving envelopes are ready so please speak to Nicholas or Julie for your pack.

Five members of St. Anselm’s are going to be confirmed by Bishop Jonathan in St. Andrew’s in Holborn on Wednesday at 7pm. For more details speak to Fr. Josiah.

We need volunteers for the Boys’ Brigade, gentlemen and ladies are welcome. We planning on Launching in September and we need to get volunteers by end of April.

Please support the church generously through your giving at
