Body of Christ

Body of Christ

Good morning! 

We celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi today, a day that holds deep significance in the life of the Church. Corpus Christi, Latin for “Body of Christ,” is a time when we pause and reflect on the profound and awesome mystery of the Eucharist, the sacrament that UNITES us with the very essence of our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is important to remember that the Mass is not merely a symbol or a memorial; it is the REAL presence of Jesus among us and when we receive it – IN US. 

When we eat and drink the bread and wine, they are transformed, by the power of the Holy Spirit, into the Body and Blood of Christ. In the mass, we encounter Jesus in a UNIQUE and INTIMAATE way, receiving Him into our very being, both physically and spiritually.

As we eat and drink the bread and wine, we are renewed and healed, we are lifted up and held by God, we are given answers to our prayers, we are given love so overflowing that it seeps from every part of who we are. 

That love is not one way.

As we contemplate this great mystery, this great gift, we are called to recognize the immense love and sacrifice that Jesus demonstrated on the cross. He willingly offered His body and shed His blood for the redemption of humanity – of You and Me. 

The mass allows us to participate in that sacrifice, to enter into communion with Jesus, and to receive the grace and forgiveness that flow from His sacred wounds. The mass allows us to an opportunity to be with Jesus on the cross, in his pain, in his torment, in his final moments and to perhaps – if we allow ourselves – experience some of that love given in such pain. 

Corpus Christi invites us to deepen our understanding and appreciation of the mass. 

It is a challenge to move beyond mere routine and familiarity, and instead approach this sacrament with awe, reverence, and perhaps most importantly – profound gratitude. 

Each time we approach the altar, let us remember that we stand in the presence of the divine, and let us approach with humility, awe and gratitude.

But the mass is not just about You and Jesus… no… there is a reason we come together to celebrate the mass. It is a sacrament that unites us as the body of believers. 

We are drawn into communion with one another, forming the mystical body of Christ. We are reminded that we are not isolated individuals on this journey of faith, in this training for heaven, but rather members of a vibrant and loving community, united in love and faith and that love and faith shines so strongly from us as we leave that others who do not believe, or who have lost their faith, can do nothing other than follow us back next week.

Corpus Christi compels us to live out the implications of this unity. It calls us to love one another as Christ loved us, to serve one another with selflessness and humility, and to seek the good of all around us. 

Just as Jesus gave of Himself completely, so too are we called to give of ourselves for the sake of others.

In this celebration of Corpus Christi, let us renew our commitment to the mass. Let us approach the altar with open hearts and minds, ready to receive His body and blood, and to be transformed by His grace. 

Let us remember that we are the hands and feet of Christ in the world, called to share His love and mercy with those we encounter.

May this feast of Corpus Christi be a source of joy and inspiration for us all. May it deepen our faith, strengthen our unity, and empower us to live as disciples of Jesus in our daily lives. 

And may the grace and blessing of the mass accompany us on our journey of faith, guiding us towards eternal communion with Jesus. 
