News for June 11th

News for June 11th

The most holy body and blood of Jesus Christ – a powerful tool.

This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity (holy day of obligation) of Corpus Christi – The most holy body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

It remains for me one of the most important days of the year because it hauls us back to the Altar and to the focus of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Mass.

Why on earth is it so important? 

The bread and wine we consume on a Sunday is not sustenance for this world – but a tool to prepare us for the next. 

What do I mean by that? The sacrament of the body and blood of Christ makes us one – quite physically – with Jesus. 

A small part of Jesus is joined with our body and in doing so we are strengthened against evil, we are brought to healing, we drive out of us things that should not be within us. 

Can you comprehend how powerful and awesome an act that is? It amazes me that I can get to my feet after receiving the holy sacrament and walk away! 

When we receive the sacrament we are made strong – and nothing the world can throw at us can deter us from the powerful command of Jesus Himself to go out into he world and bring people to His Good News.

You arrive at mass with many problems and concerns. 

You can – if you allow the sacrament to do its work – leave mass healed, loved and made strong ready to do battle in this fallen world for one more week. 

Come this Sunday and be made strong. 

Receive Jesus Christ and be healed.

Fr. Matthew


Other news

Sunday School will be running for an hour after Mass each Sunday from this week.

The first 59 Club meet at St. Anselm will be on the evening of the 15th June starting at 6:30pm and running to 9pm. If you are able to come and help serve food, welcome people, talk to people, pray with people or just help move things around I’d be grateful of your help. If you can’t come please pray for this new way of brining people in our family and for them to come to know Jesus.

Please sign up for Parish Giving (which is a wonderful way to support St. Anselm and helps us claim more money from the government) Go to or call the Parish Giving Team directly on 0333 002 1271 quoting our parish number, which is: 230 623 503.

We still need volunteers for the tea and coffee after church. The rota isn’t getting very much love and it often falls to Fr. Josiah, Fr. Matthew, Susan or Ruth to sort it quickly at the end of mass. It really needs some dedicated love! Please see Ruth or sign up on the sheet at the door.

Live Streaming of Daily Prayer & Mass. Our internet connection has stabilised after several weeks of disruption and so we are pleased to be able offer live streaming of the daily offices and mass again from Monday 12th June.