News for March 5th

News for March 5th

Spiritual Attack.

Defend yourself.

It is not just the remains of winter colds and flue that will attack you this time of year, but so to does the devil. 

It sounds dramatic doesn’t it. But the devil seeks to disturb us, he seeks to knock us off our path so that he can direct us towards his evil ends.

During lent we reach for spiritual disciplines that keep him at bay. We pray more, we go to church more and received the sacrament at the altar more often. 

More people pray for us, we turn to face God more regularly and the devil can’t stand this and so he ups his attacks. 

But, if you know that’s what he’s up to you can defend against it.

How? It’s very simple. Say the Our Father. It’s the most powerful prayer of exorcism there is – why? Because it’s the prayer Jesus taught us and as we pray it we pull on a piece of string that goes all the way back to the disciples as Jesus taught them how to pray. It connects us to Christians throughout all time and history.

This lent up your prayers, up your dedication to Jesus, up your reading of the bible and in doing so – punch the devil in the nose! Send him straight back to hell where he belongs.

Fr. Matthew


Other news

Alpha Afternoon Tea – THIS Sunday (5th) we will be hosting an Afternoon Tea for all those who have been taking part in our Alpha Course. We will be exploring how the Holy Spirit works in our lives and it will be a great opportunity to meet some of the people who taking part in Alpha here at St. Anselm’s. It would be great if you could come along, learn a little about the Holy Spirit, meet some new people and maybe even help me prepare the Afternoon Tea! 3pm-6pm followed by a Spirit led Evening Prayer. Helpers from 1:30pm to make sandwiches etc.

During Lent there will be a Priest available for confessions for an hour before each mass. Make your way to the statue of Jesus and the Priest will hear your confession or will help you make your first confession. 

Can you bring in any spare plastic bags you have for foodbank please?