News for 7th November

News for 7th November

Seeing the cross in everything. 

On holiday last week Catherine, Edmund and I visited the Fleet Air Arm museum down in Yeovil. It’s an amazing place full of amazing planes, helicopters and other fascinating navy flying hardware.

Edmund and I were in our element… Catherine said she was happy but I’m sure her mind was on other matters!

As we walked around I spotted a yellow cross on the side of ‘Humphrey’ – a veteran Wessex Helicopter from the Falklands war.

As we stood and listened to the guide tell the amazing story of this machine and the heroes who flew her I was fixated on the cross on the side. 

Why on earth was the cross pained on this machine of war? What had happened that resulted in this symbol of Christian Hope being painted on the side?

The talk didn’t help and so I prepared myself to ask the guide when I noticed it everywhere – it was on all the helicopters! What on earth was going on….!?

Then I noticed the small black text underneath ‘picket here’ – it wasn’t a cross… it was an anchor! It is painted on the side of helicopters to show where they should be anchored to the deck in high winds and rough seas! 

It wasn’t the cross after all. 

But then I thought, actually, I can’t think of a better symbol in a time of high winds, of rough seas in our lives to turn to – the cross as an anchor point. 

When things are rough, tough and very difficult we can turn to the cross and find the anchor point we need to stay safe and see our way through the storm.

Fr. Matthew


Other News

The PCC meeting planned for this Sunday is postponed until our accounts are finalised. 

Did you know you can support the parish by giving via Direct Debit? It’s super easy to set up and you can control it over the phone or via the website. It has a HUGE upside for the church as it means we automatically collect the Gift Aid on it (at no cost or fuss to you, the money comes direct from the Government). There are currently only 4 of us set up for Parish Giving but that brought in over £600 in additional Gift Aid last year, imagine if we were all doing this!

You can set it up by calling 0333 002 1271 and giving them our Parish Giving Code – 230 623 503 

Envelopes are still also available – please do speak to David if you don’t have a giving envelope and would like to help fund our mission.