News for Pentecost 2022

News for Pentecost 2022

Tongues of fire, filled with the Holy Spirit.

It is hard not to read the description of Pentecost Sunday in Acts and not be moved. The language is emotive and powerful.

…when suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven, the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.

Acts 2:2-4

We have been watching and waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit for the last two weeks – knowing that the Helper was on his way – but how many of the disciples expected him to arrive with such power, such authority and such gifts!

The wind roared – reaching back to the sound of the Holy Spirit roaring over the waves in creation.

The fire descended and rested on each one of them… giving them the gift of tongues.

Importantly this gift is the ability to speak foreign languages  – a gift that enables them to go out into the world and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

That is what we celebrate today – the powerful gifts that the Holy Spirit gives each one of us to proclaim the Gospel. It’s different for each one of us – but it is our duty as Christians to identify it  and to deploy it to bring new people to the feet of Jesus. 

Fr. Matthew


Other news

Bring and share lunch! Don’t forget that after mass this week there will be a bring and share lunch and party for Pentecost immediately after mass – wear something red!

Thank you very much to Fr. Leslie for covering for me last Sunday, what a beautiful service. Also a huge thank you to Susan, Cynthia, Louise, Frank, Shirley, Trevor and the rest of the Foodbank team for keeping the most in need in food. 

22nd – 26th August, 10am-4pm. We are lucky enough that five people have volunteered to be leaders for our summer holiday club. We’re now looking for people who can commit to a few hours to help with things like making tea & coffee, tidying up at the end of each day and other assisting tasks. Please speak to Fr. Matthew or Julie Estep (Sunday School Leader) or sign up on the sheet in church. 

12th July, 10:30am-6pm. I’m still looking for volunteers for the 12th July to meet with  Priests applying for our new Mission Priest job (interviews with +Jonathan on the 13th July). If you’d like to meet the applicants or help with showing them around the parish please be in touch.