News for 27th February

News for 27th February

Shrove Tuesday, why must we be shriven?  

We start lent by being shriven of our sins. It is a moment of weakness and as St. Paul tells us, ‘..when I am weak, then I am strong’. (2 Cor’ 12:10)

In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, our fragility gives us strength. Our willingness to expose our ugly sins to Christ, renews us.

Reconciliation is the sacrament of love and of mercy, it is a moment to die to sin and to our own desires that we may know Christ better, that we may be more open to what He calls us to in this world. 

I know that it can be hard to come to confession – especially if you have never been before. 

But we are not called to the easy things, we are not called to get caught up in our own feelings, we are called to trust in God and in His infinite mercy and love.

I understand that some of you may find it difficult to come to me and express your sins – but please do know and be assured that the seal of the confession is absolute. You will find your parish priest in jail long before I would ever break the seal – to anyone for any reason. 

I hope this reassurance will encourage more of you to come to confession this Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday) and to start lent as you mean to go on. 

Fr. Matthew 


Other news

A Welsh Celebration Concert on Saturday night will really be a great last blast before Lent – tickets will be available on the door for £5.

Our Lent Course – Holy Habits – will start on March 17th. More details on the website –

On Ash Wednesday there will be two opportunities to come to Mass – please make a special effort to get to one of them. 

On Shrove Tuesday I will be hearing lent confessions, please book a time or just come to Evening Prayer. 

We’ll be renewing the Prayer list with a new list for next Sunday. If you would like to remain on the list, or if there is someone you would like to add please speak to Susan.