New Lay Minister

New Lay Minister

On Sunday we celebrated as Bishop Jonathan came to commission our new Lay Minister – Susan Chick. Susan has been a dedicated and loving member of the St. Anselm family for many years and her calling has often shone through her work.

At various points she has been Church Warden, has run the children’s work and summer / holiday clubs. She has run the reading rota, looked after the prayers. She has corralled people to make tea, she has made sandwiches and cakes, she has given the flowers a re-fresh and she has cleaned and scrubbed the church until it shone and she has ensured the heating is serviced and the lightning conductor hasn’t blown down!

Her love for the church – and most importantly the people within it – has always been her driving force. We are grateful for all that she has done, and all that she will now do in this new mission.

To be commissioned means to be sent. That is why it is so important that in our churches and communities the people who God has called to serve are commissioned into a new life. 

It is a reminder that the task ahead is not just another job – it is nothing less than a sharing in the work of Jesus Christ. It is a task for which Susan has been sent by Jesus. 

Today we pray for Susan and the work Jesus has placed in front of her and we pray for all of those who are discerning the call of Jesus in their lives.

If you are interested in what God may be saying to you please get in touch with Fr. Matthew who would be delighted to talk things through and help you pray as you listen to God’s call.