News for week of 18th April

News for week of 18th April

Timetable for Saturday 17th April

  • 8am – Church open for flower arrangers and cleaners
  • 10am – Cleaning (please do come and lend a hand)
  • 2pm – Church open for prayer for HRH Prince Philip, the bell will toll for one hour
  • 3pm – Church open for prayers as we stream the funeral of HRH Prince Philip
  • 5pm – Final preparations for Confirmation Services on Sunday (final decorations)

Weekly message from Fr. Matthew

The road ahead,

walking with Jesus.

Our Gospel starts, ‘The disciples told their story of what had happened on the road and how they had recognised Jesus at the breaking of the bread’. 

This is the amazing story of the road to Emmaus. Of the disciples so distraught that they had fled Jerusalem after the death of Jesus, so distraught that they forgot what they had been taught, so distraught they thought Jesus has abandoned them.

But there, walking with them was Jesus. They were so caught up in their own distress that they failed to see who was walking right next to them. 

They were pouring their hearts out – so caught up in explaining to this apparently uncomprehending person their abject misery -that they failed to see who was with them.

But then, in the moment of the breaking of the bread it because clear who was with them all along – Jesus!

This is why daily mass is such a central and import part of many of our lives. It allows us to see Jesus in our daily lives. It enables us to recognise Him in our day to day lives – and no matter how low or high we get we are constantly pulled back to Him and to His work in our lives. 

If you don’t come to a midweek mass, why not try it this week.

Fr. Matthew


Other news

Congratulations to all those being confirmed and being admitted to Holy Communion this Sunday!

Our patronal festival is next Sunday, come in colourful clothes, bring some party food for yourselves and your family, let’s celebrate the achievements of the last 9 months. 

The church will be open from 2pm on Saturday 17th for prayer before and during the funeral of HRH Prince Philip. The funeral will be screened in church (3pm) and the bell tolled for one hour before.

Don’t forget to consider setting up regular giving with the Parish Giving Scheme. Call 0333 002 1271 with your bank details to hand and quote our Parish Code – 230 623 503. You can now also set up Parish Giving via their website here.