News for week of 28th February

News for week of 28th February

Do the small things.

What’s your example? 

We’re told that St. David’s final words were ‘Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little things that you have heard and seen me do’.

These words are actually taken from his final sermon on the Sunday before he died – he was a prodigious preacher and founded monastic settlements over Wales, the South West of England and even Brittany. 

In Wales we still say, ‘Gwnewch y pethau bychain mewn bywyd’ – which means ‘Do the little things’. 

This is good way to approach lent. If you try to do too much too quickly you will struggle. Sometimes the struggle is the point – that arduous and difficult path that Jesus trod before us and in which we attempt to join. 

But sometimes, it’s the journey that’s important and perhaps this lent that’s more important than it has been for a long time. 

If you’ve not yet found a rhythm for lent try to do the small things. Start simply with Prayer. Are you thanking God as you get up? As you go to bed?

Have you looked at those small bad habits and tried to knock them on the head? Perhaps it’s as simple as turning off your phone after 7pm.  

Be joyful, keep the faith. 

Fr. Matthew


Other news

Mass for St. David will be at 5pm after Evening Prayer.

There will be cleaning in church again this Saturday at 11am – thank you to everyone who helped last week. 

There will be a PCC meeting on March 7th immediately after mass – it will be a long one, please bring your own lunch. 

Children will be back serving at the altar on Mothering Sunday – March 14th!

Mass for St. David will be at 5pm after Evening Prayer.

There will be cleaning in church again this Saturday at 11am – thank you to everyone who helped last week. 

There will be a PCC meeting on March 7th immediately after mass – it will be a long one, please bring your own lunch. 

Children will be back serving at the altar on Mothering Sunday – March 14th!

Don’t forget to consider setting up regular giving with the Parish Giving Scheme. Call 0333 002 1271 with your bank details to hand and quote our Parish Code – 230 623 503