News for the week of Sunday 11th October

News for the week of Sunday 11th October

Rooted in Scripture & Sacrament.

How do we stay rooted?

Our three guiding principles are designed to keep us strong in our faith and in our community. They are: 

  • Rooted in the Parish
  • Rooted in Scripture & Sacrament
  • Rooted in a Love of Proclaiming Christ

Perhaps the most important is being rooted in scripture and sacrament. I say that because it’s the one principle that is utterly unmoving. It is the one place where we will ALWAYS find Jesus. 

When the world rocks, when our faith stumbles, when we question those around us our ability to come back to mass and receive Jesus in the sacrament and in our ability to read scripture is what will still us. 

Those things that we take for granted – our ability to read scripture – our ability to come to mass – are often those things that we dismiss first. We may not come to church for a few weeks – 10am is very early after all! We may say we are too busy to pick up our bible this week. 

It’s when we start making these small excuses that we start to run the risk of tearing ourselves away from Jesus. 

But don’t worry, because Jesus never abandons us, and even when we have been away for a while He will be there to welcome us home. 

You may find it helpful to bring your worries to confession. To lay before God your sins and ask for forgiveness, be forgiven, to start again with a clean sheet. Why not come for the first time this Tuesday evening after Evening Prayer – or arrange a time with me. 

Fr. Matthew


Other news

You’ll be pleased to know that the dodgy wiring has been replaced. The sound engineer is returning on Monday to complete the instal of the new system now we have safe cables.

Your generosity in prayer and in money towards helping those most in need in Hayes this week has been hugely appreciated – thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Have you set up Parish Giving yet? It’s the easiest and most tax-efficient way to give to St. Anselm. Call them on 0333 002 1271 with our Parish Code (230 623 503) and have your bank details to hand – it takes just 10 mins.