News for Trinity Sunday 7th June

News for Trinity Sunday 7th June

Why do we (and many others) spend so much time trying to understand the mystery of The Holy Trinity? God in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Do we spend as much time contemplating the mystery of The Incarnation, or The Transfiguration or Our Lady’s Assumption? They are all mysteries of our faith and we accept them wholeheartedly. As the Archangel Gabriel explained to Mary at The Annunciation:

“For with God nothing will be impossible.”

So we profess our belief in The Most Holy Trinity every time we say the Creed:

“I believe in one God, the Father almighty…”
“I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ …”
“I believe in the Holy Spirit….”

LUKE 1:37

and in the belief and understanding that nothing is impossible for God! So instead of trying to explain it, or understand it, let us just use this Sunday to give thanks for God in the three persons of The Most Holy Trinity and for the merciful love which he shows to each one of us.

Just as we are getting used to different ways of coping with this pandemic, changes are afoot! We are being obliged to wear masks on public transport and there are signs of more shops and shopping centres opening their doors from Monday. Some children have returned to school – with all manner of social distancing measures in place … but no signs yet of a return for worshipping communities. The House of Bishops met on Monday to discuss issues related to the phased re-opening of churches and it could be a long time before we are back to anything that we would perceive as “normal”, particularly with regard to singing of hymns etc. (as there is evidently greater chance of spreading any potential infection). Meanwhile, we must prepare to say goodbye to Father Matthew, as he in turn gets ready for his move to St. Anselm’s, Hayes later this month. We have been in “lockdown” for the best part of 10 weeks and it is very frustrating and we have had to draw on our faith and inner strength. Imagine how much more of a challenge it has been for ACAT (Harrow)’s Prayer Case of the Month, Aklilu Desbele, who has been imprisoned in Eritrea for 12 years for sharing his Christian faith. Please pray for him, as you feel led.

Most of all, keep safe and well and let us pray that it won’t be long until we can all meet together again. At the end of some of our gatherings, we often say “The Grace” together which comes from Sunday’s Second Reading in St. Paul’s Letter to The Corinthians: “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, evermore. Amen.”

David Griffiths (St. Mary’s)