From Fr. Edward at St. Mary’s
At last we were able to have the graveside funeral for beloved Trevor. Janet who is so full of faith wants to thank everyone for their cards, flowers, prayers and support during this time. We await Austin’s cremation and continue to keep, Ira, Janet and all who have lost loved ones in our prayers.
Sadly Fr Colin Tolworthy who often covered mass for us and loved coming to St Mary’s, died recently after a short illness. Jesu mercy Mary mother of priests pray.
Bishop Jonathan sends his love and prayers to all of you. He also thanks us for our perseverance with broadcasting from our homes. We want to be broadcasting from church as soon as we can, so you can see our beautiful church and our spiritual home, once again. Please God we can all worship together sooner rather than later.
Keeping together is so important so do join the daily mass and other services as you can. Thank you for the kind comments you send in. Thanks to those who are contributing to the Sunday mass by reading.
Father John sends his love and prayers too. He is worshipping daily in his home and so we are very united in prayer and praise.
You will be delighted to know that we have at long last received the settlement from the nursery. The work to refurbish the hall and make it ready for the next nursery proceeds apace. I know that you will be delighted when you see it. Wojtek and his colleagues have done an amazing job and we must have a reopening party. I am very grateful to Fr Matthew for leading on the legal and contractor side.
The one certainty in the midst of so much uncertainty is Jesus Christ. He is with us and we go forward with our hand in His. We are here for you. If we can help you please don’t hesitate to ring or email Fr Matthew or Me.
You are in our prayers each and every day.
May God richly bless you and as we enter her month of May let Our Lady’s prayers support and strengthen you.
With our love and prayers,
Fr. Edward, Matthew, Mike & John