20th February

20th February

Holy water, holy habits.  

By now you’ll be aware that our Lent 2022 course is called ‘Holy Habits’. 

I decided to use this as the basis for our Lent reflections and teaching as I watched people stop themselves half way down the nave after we restored the holy water stoup a few weeks ago – and head back to the door to cross themselves with the water.

It reminded me that these small things  had drifted away over the pandemic and we could do with being reminded about why we do them and why they are important.

It also prompted me to think about those little things that we may have picked up over the various lock downs, things we didn’t do before but we now find very helpful.

An example for me is the installation of a new crucifix next to my bed – put up in such a way that it’s the first thing I see when I wake and the last thing I see when I go to sleep. 

It prompts me to cross myself (another holy habit) and to say the Our Father. 

There are other habits – things like pilgrimage or the practice of gratitude – that perhaps we don’t consider enough in our day-to-day lives. 

This Lent please make a special effort to come to the in-person course (Thursdays from March 17th after the 10am Mass) or to the online course (Thursdays at 7:30pm on Zoom – details on the website) and engage with the little things that point you to God each moment of each day.

Fr. Matthew 


Other news

A Welsh Celebration Concert! Make sure you have your tickets for the Torfaen Male Voice choir who are visiting us from Wales on Saturday. There are a small number of early bird tickets left (£2.50). Please do put up posters (available at the back of church) and encourage all your friends to come. Tickets available via the website, Fr. Matthew or Susan Chick.

Our Lent Course – Holy Habits – will start on March 17th. It will be after mass each Thursday at 10am and end with a shared lenten meal. It will be delivered by Fr. Matthew and Fr. Sam Cross from St. Thomas, Kensal Town. You’ll also be able to take part online on Thursday evenings (7:30pm). Details on the website. 

We’ll be renewing the Prayer list at the end of this month with a new list for March.. If you would like to remain on the list, or if there is someone you would like to add please speak to Susan.